Wednesday, July 14, 2010


So i realize it has been WAY TOO LONG since ive actually blogged about something not pointless.... well im going to continue that streak of pointless blogs.

Today is Dance Nationals.( i did write a little thing about dance though)

Dance is the world you create,
it is inspiring those around you,
and being inspired by them.
It is different to everybody
and that is the beauty of it.
It is the language in which we express our emotions
and can only be shown through the movements of our soul.
It is something you can always turn to,
to channel into a different direction and feel good.
Its about putting on a song and getting goosebumps,
you feel your heart beat and your body start to shake
you step onto that stage, close your eyes
and so it begins..... thats dance

So nationals.... i leave this sunday and im gone for 5 days!!!!! FIVE FREAKING DAYS!! no texting, no internet, no late nights , NO JUNK FOOD! I dont think im going to survive. :( im going to miss friends way too much..... im going to go insane rooming with DADDYS LITTLE GIRLS...!!!! gosh give me a damn shot gun so i can help the world and get rid of them.

So routines and songs for them

Senior Jazz Number
Cell Block Tango- Chicago

Senior Contemporary Number
Sentimental- Mike Simpson

Open Class Number
The Force( dunno the artist)

Open Class Number
Grease- Compilation of songs from Grease

Open Class Number
BXS- Compilation of Brittney spears songs

Senior Solo
A Drop In The Ocean- Ron Pope.

Each im hoping are going to ge really well. But i have to thank Derick Robinson for the idea of A Drop In The Ocean. Its an absolutely beautiful song.. so I dont wanna go to nationals even after all my hard work. But I guess you just have to put up with it and just deal...

xoxo Shay <3<3<3