Monday, April 26, 2010

Newest Truth

Okay So heres the Newest truth. Its A very Very Very quick and to the point message.

Okay So maybe you did break my heart.

xoxoxo shay

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Alissa, Me and the Stairs!

So It Has only been a few days since ive posted but so much has occured.

my hoe, my life and well apart from Spence . :D my everything!!!
She is smart, talented and beautiful yet shes so much fun to be around. I look up to her in every way and shape possible. she takes care of me she keeps me safe and she calms my ADHD brain :D (thats probably most important) she fully doesnt approve of many things I do but no matter what i know i can count on her to be there. She probably wont approve of me writing about her on here but i dont give damn im going to and shell love me. She makes me move my fat ass to do all kinds of shit i hear lectures that i dotn wanna hear and eat things i dont wanna eat but i do it. cuz she tells me. holy shit does she really ahve that big of an influence on my life? clearly i babysit and she joins we sneak off and succeed at just about everything we do. She makes me smile and Vise Versa. There has not been one time when I have not been able to make that hoe smile. ELECTRIC BEDS, CARNIVAL RIDES, PUKE, ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND CUTE AND FAT COPS. what do they all have in common? ALISSA..... shes here now and always will be I LOVE YOU HOE <3<3<3

Dear God
I really need a life. I can say that I am beginning to be more girly first it was my Hair I really cared about my hair then It was my clothes ... Everything HAD to match. Slowly over time it became more important to me to look my best. Now im with you its just its everything. I must have the hair, the outfit the make up, the accessories its all important to me now. I dislike gifts and you get one anyways -_- fully not happy about that but you know what. I love you so it's okay :) I'm sure i could do a little better at being a better girlfriend but im working on it. I really dont know what to say about myself its hard to talk about myself without going into ALL the negatives. (give me a little credit I tried)

Stairs ...
How much I dislike stairs.
So many ways to fall on them... up, down, left, right, slide, bump,face plant down, drunkly stumble and well oviously be pushed down on your ass and end up in the hospital -_-....
Well in my case at least....
It ruined my one month i was upset and worried all day. I couldnt talk to my girl :(
spent the day in the hospital and even worse didnt get any easter presents from anybody :( I HATE STAIRS.... with a passion. But there isnt much more I can say. Its really just not my weekend friday I thought it was going to be great but it just didnt turn out. More action shots and more shots from the shoot will be posted at later times.

xoxo shay shay <3